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Everything posted by rico

  1. It is what it is. We need to deal with it. Mom and Dad came over last night for supper. Dad asked some very good questions that were directed at me and Tammy. Do you guys have enough food for 2 weeks? A month? Can you pay your bills without any income coming in for 2 weeks? A month? Do you have a 3 month supply of your prescriptions? Made us think hard.
  2. No test "kits" in that state?
  3. It was roughly a year ago when I got admitted into the hospital. Without getting into whys, I had to wait 36 hours to get a bed/room. The hospital was full up of people that had the flu. Spent 5 days here and once my issue was "resolved" I was quickly released to make more room for flu patients. I had 2 weeks of home health care after that dealing with the issue.
  4. I see the "war profiteers" and scam artists have quickly emerged.
  5. I think when the "dust" settles from this a lot of things will change.
  6. A Yankees minor league player has tested positive per reports.
  7. Indiana casinos are set to shut down. 2 new cases in the Hoosier state. Walmart in Warsaw's new hours will be 6 AM-11 PM starting tonight.
  8. H&I plays that one. Love the channel. https://www.handitv.com/shows/
  9. And then we hit pay dirt.....
  10. Well they are sold out of toilet paper too...
  11. Tammy and I ventured to Warsaw this afternoon to do some shopping. Walmart---no toilet paper, no milk, no bread, a few carton of eggs, and a few containers of milk. Menards---no toilet paper(they sell it here) Martins---plenty of toilet paper, milk, bread, and eggs...but sold out of potatoes. Stock and Field(bought out Big R)---plenty of toilet paper and ammo. Plenty of bottled water at all stores. Some pics...
  12. Or error on the side of hysteria?
  13. The toilet paper thing cracks me up.
  14. Well, I call BS on Ohio's numbers to start with.
  15. Why would you test someone if they aren't showing symptoms?
  16. An oldie but a goodie! Nice trivia question my question my friend.
  17. That gave it away. I was "dicked" on that one. LOL I was trying without looking it up...
  18. No new confirmed cases in Indiana...
  19. Actually those taste pretty good...
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