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Everything posted by rico

  1. Oh, so close...there is one guy that has done it more recently.
  2. "I love LA..."....NOT https://ca.reuters.com/article/sportsNews/idCAKCN2292QI-OCASP
  3. As if I didn't hate the Lakers enough, and now this... https://ca.reuters.com/article/sportsNews/idCAKCN2292QI-OCASP
  4. Does anybody have any suicide numbers?
  5. No, neither have done it.
  6. Who was the last MLB player to steal 3 bases in one inning?
  7. Knuckleballer? Hoyt Wilhelm.
  8. Another Phillie...Rick Wise.
  9. Wait. What? You mean to tell me that Jello isn't an element? Huh...how about that.
  10. I just hope/pray that the Colts don't go down that Jeff George route to land a franchise QB...
  11. What former USC Trojan basketball player would go on to become a TV/movie star that was offered the role of "Indiana Jones?"
  12. Colts' picks and news... https://www.colts.com/team/draft/
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