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Everything posted by rico

  1. They've had one? I know Rod Carew didn't do it with the Angels.
  2. Yes it was....BTW the potato was not supplied.
  3. Stepping back from sports, I heard this on the radio this morning and found it interesting. What toy was the first to be advertised on TV?
  4. Anybody know Cody's contract status with Charlotte? I sure would like to see him someplace else.
  5. August 17th, 1945. George Orwell's "Animal Farm" is published.
  6. Hmmmmm....I got a feeling there is Red tie-in there. LOL I will go with '83. When the O's beat the Philadelphia Reds. You would have had Morgan, Perez, Schmidt, Carlton, Ripken, Murray, and Palmer. So that is 7, unless I am missing someone.
  7. Babe's called "shot?" Cubs vs. Yanks...'32?
  8. I was watching the death of Elvis in the very house I live in now.
  9. Roy Smalley, Tim Raines, Chase Headley....
  10. Ken Singleton Reggie Smith ????
  11. Willie McGee Maury Wills ??????
  12. Howard Johnson Bobby Bonilla ??????
  13. I remember it as the "good ole days." Before school shootings the nation was glued to their sets catching the latest serial killer news. Morbid, but true.
  14. August 10th, 1977. David Berkowitz is arrested. How many remember the "Son of Sam" murders?
  15. August 9th, 1988. Wayne Gretzky is traded from Edmonton to L.A.
  16. August 8th, 1974. President Nixon announces he will resign.
  17. Well one of the "kids" wanted to buy one of my compressors for $50. Told him it didn't work. He didn't care. But i fixed it anyway. Love me some JB Weld.
  18. Put the upstairs windows in last year. Got to trimming the exterior out yesterday. I still have the interior to do...oh, and it looks like Tammy needs to clean the siding.
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