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Everything posted by rico

  1. The Klan, minus my daughter...
  2. What is all this talk about the NBA Finals? My calendar says MLB post-season and football season.
  3. My secret is/was listening to a helluva lot of sports radio.
  4. I have been watching the Bears...love to see those swing passes into the flats.
  5. Well the Bears better pull out a new playbook because the Bucs are gonna score some points.
  6. The Bears got a reality check yesterday.
  7. Oh yeah...got plenty of Bear buddies.
  8. Absolutely. But this one was a little extra special for me.
  9. I felt it was highly entertaining.
  10. The same Cowboys that just got spanked by the Browns at Jerry's World? What the hell is their problem?
  11. Might make the NFL re-visit how they seed for the play-offs.
  12. Very well could. Someone has to get hot, don't they?
  13. Bengals and the Browns both winning so far today. Alert: NOT A TYPO
  14. When I hear the name "Chauncy", I think of Bill Holden(Sefton) in "Stalag 17." I will show myself to the door.
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