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Everything posted by rico

  1. Yeah, my tractor won't crank either.
  2. As soon as it gets light I am going out to look for my vehicles...
  3. Now that is what I call a limited access highway...
  4. "Rumored to be a punk?" LOL I wonder how this will work for his draft stock?
  5. Duke usually wins with these types of kids. I don't want them. And fwiw, I chalk up a huge recruiting mistake for K bringing Johnson to Durham.
  6. Everybody alright? Awfully dark out there.
  7. Indiana counties travel status link... https://www.in.gov/dhs/traveladvisory/
  8. Get the hell out of my way everyone...
  9. 11 straight days here without getting above freezing...
  10. The weather guys have brought such reactions upon themselves.
  11. I suppose you got a pretty wooden fence?
  12. Hmmmm. They do make heat tapes that thermostatically controlled.
  13. More 4x4's on the roads these days as well...
  14. I haven't seen a snow fence anywhere around me this year.
  15. Wind is really picking up here. Drifting has begun.
  16. Nothing like that 3.2 beer on a Sunday.
  17. Calling for 25mph winds here tonight. Terrible combination.
  18. 12 degrees with light snow falling as I type.
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