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Everything posted by rico

  1. Bingo...that move(s) aren't on Bell. Lunacy at it's finest.
  2. Yes, that is exactly what I meant.
  3. This day has been coming for a very long time. "College athletics" is a cash cow and it seems as though the athletes have always been omitted from a piece of the pie. That being said I am interested as to how the NCAA proceeds as well as individual institutions. The cash is generated by football and men's basketball at most schools. If I am a businessman(university) then I am cutting all non-revenue generating sports. It is quite a dilemma for the schools and the NCAA.
  4. Cubs' Baez with the "faux pas" of the week. LOL Losing track of outs? Nice to hear the Wrigley faithful voice their opinion.
  5. Meh, I am of the opinion that you can never have too many QBs. According to the link Arkansas has offered him and they already have 7.
  6. Aside from Bell's ineptitude, the Reds FO is to blame for the lack of quality BP arms.
  7. I would like to point out something else that exists today that didn't in 'yesteryear' and that be youth leagues to perpetuate sports other than baseball. And these kids start playing young.
  8. I will give ya that...yes, it is.
  9. Yeah, he would have been a starter for the Cubs in the 70's....
  10. If the NBA(or MLB for that matter) could somehow "mimic" the NFL then we wouldn't even be having this discussion.
  11. You missed a couple of guys in the Bench era! LOL And no. Mauer and Posey are the only guys I can think of myself and they are/were better than Molina.
  12. LOL....not the sharpest knife in the drawer!
  13. That is a topic for another thread in a different forum. My original point was that Scott is always speaking of contraction rather than expansion. The NBA product is as strong as it has ever been.
  14. Whoa. There are more people...they are just having fewer kids.
  15. That is total BS. You and your contraction thoughts. The American population is growing, or have you noticed? More people=more talent out there.
  16. The Cubs should have moved him to 1st and gotten rid of Rizzo...
  17. Let's get one thing straight right here and now. Molina couldn't carry Bench's jockstrap. Yadier couldn't carry Carter's or Fisk's either. Nor could he carry Munson's. Molina is just fortunate that he plays in this era. Pure and simple.
  18. To me that is the difference between the Lakers and the Celtics. Boston had to go through that Eastern gauntlet....Showtime usually had cakewalks to the Finals. For what they did to win that championship that '83 Sixer team is etched in my mind. IMO the greatest team ever that doesn't get talked about enough.
  19. Meh, now that '83 Sixer team is underrated!
  20. Free refills? Now where is this place at?
  21. Funny thing is I don't much care for Nantz, but I love him calling golf. And yes, Mike is a favorite of mine no matter what he calls.
  22. You just about got me convinced to blow up the organization....LOL
  23. Yeah, you are correct...it was after the back-to-back ECF when we got booted in the 1st round.
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