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Everything posted by rico

  1. And for Luis as well.
  2. That be a big negative there Dave...vinegar.
  3. If I had it my way the NBA play-offs would start the day after the NCAA BB Championship Game.
  4. Made my 1st batch of “fridge pickles” this morning.
  5. Well there you have it...make the rule so a DH has to be 35 or older....
  6. I agree on compelling characters part of it. Perhaps a tad on the ratings part. As far as July, that speaks for itself. The NBA should not be playing at the baseball All-Star break.
  7. Not a DH fan myself, but MLB has already opened "Pandora's Box". Tough to stick the genie back in the bottle. I have accepted that it is inevitable coming to the NL. Selfishly, this I what Votto(the Reds) need.
  8. Giving Cal any love whatsoever is strictly prohibited on this site.
  9. Better brace yourself for it.
  10. I imagine that will change with the next CBA.
  11. Dammit....I was trying to give it a UK "slant", geez. LOL
  12. Off the top of my head? Cal Pitino Sutton Hmmmmm
  13. No spectators at the Tokyo Olympics...carry on.
  14. Bauer's LOA has been extended 7 days. Spank me.
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