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Everything posted by rico

  1. Well Parker's "life" is an interesting one. I don't think is Mom is French?
  2. We need to parlay that pitching success into CWS appearances.
  3. Honestly I knew where they are all from....the kicker for me was Kobe Bryant.
  4. France, Germany, Nigeria, Virgin Islands, and Greece?
  5. Perhaps, but right now I view Aquino as a major trade chip.
  6. What does the FA market look like?
  7. How many of you remember in '02 Dick Enberg proclaiming, "Indiana basketball is back?" Oh boy was that ever short lived. I understand the extreme optimism but we have been burnt by this cart before the horse mentality for quite a few years now. Just sayin'
  8. The Bucks could add more pieces in the off season? I mean the Lakers won in '80 and added more pieces thereafter.
  9. I am just assuming the Sooners will be exploring the transfer market.
  10. https://www.wane.com/sports/local-sports/wayne-grad-parker-leaving-hoosiers-to-become-pitching-coach-at-south-carolina/
  11. Congrats to the Bucks. Dynasty in the making?
  12. Speaking of Aquino it will be interesting to see what the Reds do with him.
  13. The Mets have the Reds right where they want then....3-1 Cincy T7.
  14. Saw this piece this morning: https://www.cbssports.com/mlb/news/mlb-draft-2021-four-teams-including-rangers-and-red-sox-who-picked-their-new-no-1-prospect/
  15. Rattler will be a Top 5 pick next draft. OU needs a QB for '22.
  16. She got some sort of 'settlement' and married the drug rep.
  17. Well I got a kick in the nuts last night. Tammy informed me that "we" have a birthday party to attend the day of the draft.
  18. I didn't realize it until I talked to a buddy of mine on Sunday(Notre Dame fan) but Rattler is a red-shirt Soph this year. Which means he is gone, barring something bad happening, after this season. The kid they got is for '23. Can't help but wonder what they are gonna do for '22 at QB. Something tells me the Sooners are gonna be sniffing around Bloomington after this season is complete.
  19. I knew a guy that I went to HS that had a pretty good thing going, or so it would have appeared. He ran a dairy farm and was also journeyman electrician. His wife(a knockout) was a RN at a medical clinic. They had 3 kids. She was having an affair at work with a drug rep that visited the office. The skinny is she got caught with the guy in the act in one of the patient rooms. Cost her the marriage, her job, and custody of her kids. Just sayin'
  20. Did she have the kids with her when she was having these infidelity encounters?
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