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Everything posted by rico

  1. Per Yahoo: China says it is sending humanitarian aid including food and daily necessities worth 5 million yuan ($791,000) to Ukraine while continuing to oppose sanctions against Russia over its invasion.
  2. https://www.si.com/college/2022/03/08/lsu-receives-notice-of-allegations-violation-mens-programs
  3. Nothing is hard to speculate on around here. We are quite good at it.
  4. Well I need some bragging material over there! LOL
  5. I get all that. Doesn't change my concern.
  6. TY for the breakdown. Hopefully we get a head of steam going so I can "puff out my chest" on "The RedsZone"
  7. The football program, itself, is concerning to me.
  8. How can't you focus on $4+ a gallon gasoline?
  9. P-FW's run ended last night with a loss to Northern Kentucky.
  10. Not depending on oil is the solution. This country has known it.
  11. The big one, imo, is alternate transportation that doesn't depend on oil. We have had 50 years to come up with something.
  12. Key is a "me first" player. A black hole. The ball goes in, it doesn't come out.
  13. Sueing would have gave them a little more cohesion. And honestly I think Liddel shouldn't be their go to guy.
  14. You say run out of gas, I say they got exposed. Neither really matters as they better get it figured out or they will get bounced early. That being said they are a dangerous team if they get back to clicking.
  15. Depends on which bracketologist you talk to.
  16. Well hopefully Michigan takes us for granted.
  17. I did not realize that Jamal Crawford is the holder of a few NBA records.
  18. Hmmmm. The obvious ones in my mind are MJ and Kobe. So I imagine it is neither?
  19. I don't know how serious we were. But we offered according to what I saw on 247.
  20. I surmise it is just a case of the natives getting restless. And they ought to be.
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