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Everything posted by BGleas

  1. The only thing more completely mind-boggling than XJ's play is the belief Woodson has in him. That's literally one of the most concerning things.
  2. Throw CJ Gunn out there for 20 minutes. Tell him he's not coming out and has a James Harden green light 🤣
  3. Your warning had nothing to do with dogging Purdue.
  4. ^^^^ nah, Duke is good. Bad fans only negatively impact IU. Nowhere else.
  5. College basketball is ridiculous with all of these reviews. For like the last minute of this UNC-Duke game anytime anyone makes a shot the refs immediately blow the whistle and run to the monitor to check the clock, check the shooters feet (even though they were clearly behind the 3pt line), etc. We don't care for 38 minutes and then the last two we just murder the flow of the game every chance we get. So annoying.
  6. Grant Gelon is probably still kicking around at some NAIA school or something, right?
  7. Sheppard, Knect, Dillingham, Zeigler, tons of guys in this game that would be great to have.
  8. Same. I've lived on the east coast in different states for 30+ years. I've never once had a reaction from friends, co-workers or whatever when it comes to IU other than, "what is wrong with that program. Are they ever going to get it together. It's a sleeping giant." I've never had anyone ask me about the fans being crazy or toxic. Only how great IU fans are.
  9. Agree to disagree. Completely fine. If that is the reputation, then shame on IU and the IU media for letting that be the narrative as opposed to all of the numerous things (and it's a long list) that make the IU fan base one of the best in the country.
  10. The bolded isn't because of the fans. The bolded is because IU's athletic department and hierarchical structure is extremely poorly run. Maybe the fans should just go away and then we can see what that does? Literally turn this into Minnesota basketball. Let's have a half-empty Assembly Hall all year. The fans weren't a problem when they packed Assembly Hall in 2008-09 to watch a team of baseball players and walk-ons. Think that happens at Clemson? Think a freshmen averaging 2ppg is going to lead in NIL apparel sales at Ole Miss? IU has some crazy, bad fans. No doubt, and no argument from me on that. But, so does Duke, UNC, Kansas, UK, Michigan, Louisville, Alabama, etc., etc. This is not even remotely unique to IU. The difference is that IU's athletic department has been a joke. Fix the admin, hire a real, accomplished college basketball coach, and the fans aren't a problem. I'd also argue that IU's fans are the biggest reason the fix can actually be really easy and simple.
  11. I'm not sure that's really the reputation, but even if that's accurate the reason you hear about all still ties back to the ineptitude of IU's administration. Fans wouldn't be so crazy if IU acted like a real, elite basketball program. The fans are the only thing keeping IU even remotely close to relevancy. Someone else said it, but without the fans IU is Minnesota. IU is Clemson. IU is Washington.
  12. Agree to a large extent. Tweeting at recruits, family members, coaches, etc, should be completely out of bounds and off limits. There's no reason to get personal with players, coaches, recruits, etc. Completely agree and I don't and never have supported that. My point is, IU as a fanbase is no worse than Duke, UNC, Kansas, Michigan, OSU, etc., etc. The difference is IU's program has been a joke and completely mismanaged for 30 years. The fans are the symptom. Fixing IU's broken administration and approach to building a basketball program is preventing the disease.
  13. Completely agree on the 4. Easier said than done, but put a 4 like junior year Troy Williams next to TJD? Wow! Disagree with you on Kopp. I don't think anyone is saying IU should have run the offense through him by any means, but there were a multitude of more creative ways to utilize his shooting (which the team needed) other than just having him stand in the corner.
  14. Agree! My posts on the fans are also not denying that there are horrible fans on social media, etc. Of course there are. I'm just saying, the fans aren't remotely close to the problem with IU basketball. The bulk of the fan base is the biggest thing keeping this program on life support.
  15. As far as development goes, I think Mike Woodson clearly helped develop TJD. Some of TJD's development was also just natural year-to-year progression, but Woodson definitely helped. Under Woodson, TJD became a better passer and ball handler, played with an improved motor, etc. Did Woodson run him through ball handling drills in the offseason? I don't know. But, I'm sure he spent a lot of time talking to him about passing, pushing the ball, etc, etc. Woodson put him in a position to be comfortable grabbing a rebound and pushing the ball, etc. With all of that said, I'd argue the opposite with Miller Kopp. I think Woodson did a terrible job developing and utilizing Kopp and some other guys.
  16. Completely agree. Can't remember, but I think you've been one who has said this before, but the fans are one of the only things (maybe the recruiting budget too) about Indiana Basketball that keeps it elite and relevant. With the results IU has had the last 20 years, how many other programs in the country would still be top 10 in attendance, top followed programs on social media, have a player like Gabe Cupps being a leader in NIL apparel sales, etc. To your point, maybe the fans should go away for a year.
  17. This blame the fans narrative is annoying me more and more. It's like a doctor treating the symptoms but not addressing how you can prevent the disease. If the administration wasn't a complete 🤡 show and totally unserious about the basketball program, then the fans wouldn't be an issue whatsoever.
  18. The landscape has changed, but not that much in terms of how you construct a successful, cohesive program.
  19. I get he's trying to be positive, this is the type of stuff that makes me mad. The vast majority of the stuff IU fans are mad about is/was controllable. It's totally controllable to not run a garbage system. It's totally controllable to not load up on bigs and leave a scholarship open when you desperately need shooting and better guard/wing play. It's completely controllable to play your McDonald's AA freshman at the 4 sometimes when he's clearly a 4 and ypu clearly need to play smaller and faster. it's completely controllable to not ignore your prized, and only 2024 recruit for 3 full months. The staff hasn't "controlled" anything.
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