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Posts posted by slojoe

  1. 5 hours ago, go_iu_bb said:


    Possibly. Although Ray Looze has a very good swimming program which has been consistently good with top 10 rankings for the men and top 25 for the women. He's also been one of the coaches selected for major international meets, like World Championships and the Olympics.

    Todd Yeagley has had the soccer team doing really well. They had an off year this past season and still made the tournament and had a chance at the B1G title. He has 4 Final 4s and a National Championship.

    Moren has done a great job turning the women's team from nobody to contender. She might be the best coach at IU but it isn't clear cut as there are some other very good coaches in some of the other programs. I wouldn't say she's the most successful at this point, though.

    I think you have to consider where the programs came from.  Men's swimming and soccer have long been national powers.  Women's basketball not so much.

    • Like 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, Euroclydon said:

    CMW still playing a lot of guys. I was wondering if that would continue or if he would start to shorten the bench after the Wisconsin loss. I'm going to assume he' using the rest of the non-conference games to keep developing roles but some of these guys need to be limited in what they are asked to do.

    Geronimo's passing is a turnover waiting to happen. He should be the rebounding garbage man. Durr should not touch the ball outside 4 feet from the basket unless it is a jumper. I never want to see him dribble the ball. Rob should only shoot if it's absolutely necessary and if he can drive it, i'd prefer he drive it than take the three. Lander needs to play in these type games. Really no reason for him to sit when X can't stay on the floor and Rob can't hit wide open shots against lesser teams. 


    Think you'll see this continue.

    He has the PG press full court all game and pressure the ball handler.  I think we will see Rob play 18 or so.

  3. When I was in school in 70's Wisky was a walk-over.

    There was the famous hamburger game.  It was a national TV game at IU.  McDonalds was offering a free hamburger if IU held an opponent to below 50 if you brought your ticket stub in.  This was the eventual '76 NC team.  It was late in the 2d half and IU was in command and all the starters were out.  However, there was a real chance that IU could hold Wisky below 50, so the crowd was still amped to the max as we were tasting that free hamburger.  Suddenly Buckner stands up and turns to the crowd and starts a chant:  Give me an "H" (H!), give me and "A" (A!!!).  But I don't think he got to "M" as CRMK told him to sit down.  At any rate the cheer worked as IU held Wisky below 50.  Never saw such a big crowd at McDonald's than that night after the game!  Give me an "M"............

    • Like 5
  4. 1 hour ago, Seeking6 said:

    Unless the Cubs do something over next 48 hours they are basically saying again we are signing one year deals to guys who have shown potential but are either cut or released. That's our business model right now.

    70 wins here we come!

    Yes, you are correct.  But it doesn't make any sense right now for the Cubs to sign a big name free agent as they are not close enough to making a run to make it worthwhile to spend that much money on 1 player.  It did make sense to get Jon Lester when the Cubs did because they were ready to make and run and needed a #1.

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