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Everything posted by Billingsley99

  1. I respectfully disagree. This was a barometer win because is was the back end of a back to back at Cleveland. Pavers were 0 and 2 this year on back end. I believe last year's team would lose that game. This team is finding ways to close. Not saying they will even make playoffs but I think this win does tell us a lot
  2. Sabonis is 23 for 23 in the 3 Pacer victories.
  3. I think this was a win win for both teams. The Pavers were going no where with PG at least there is hope . Now PG will get to play for something. I hated seeing PG go but now I am content with the trade.
  4. I agree completelywith all you are saying. The last couple years left a bad impression in my mind with the lack of effort he displayed. I think this was a win win trade for all involved. We own 4 PG jerseys and still waznt the best for him
  5. By no means do I feel PG is clearly top 10. Top 20 maybe. Top 10 players are cold blooded assassins. They want to be the man and more times than not PG was going through the motions. If he spent as much time getting back on defense as he did yapping with the refs after what he thought a missed call he would be all defensive team every year. He is a good player that does not want to be the man. Never hit a game winner. I would take 2 guys with a chip on their shoulders that play hard and at least look like they want to be here. I like PG But do not miss him for a second
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