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Everything posted by Billingsley99

  1. I understand how it works and also know he's not getting it. My point is he should be even though he isn't getting serious consideration.
  2. Pre Season predicted standings Current Standings +/- Rockets 2nd in west 1st +1 Trailblazers 8th west 3rd +5 Celtics 2nd in East 2nd E Raptors 3rd in East 1st +2 Pacers 12 in East 5th +7 Maybe I am a homer but I don't see much evidence that any of these coaches are over achieving like MacMillian
  3. Projected By Vegas Current Win Total Games over projection Rockets 56 62 +6 Celtics 54 53 -1 Raptors 48 55 +7 Blazers 41 48 +7 Pacers 31 46 +15
  4. I think he should be. All the teams you named have notable all stars and were expected near the top of their divisions. The rockets are Warriors lite. Celtics loss Hayward but still a solid playoff team without him. Not 1 of those teams are more than +5 over their expected win prediction and the Pacers are almost +20. I know he has no chance but with a team with 1 all star that people joked about after the trade and to be .5 games out of 3rd is remarkable.
  5. Given the fact the over under was 31 wins. Is nate mcMillan in the conversation for Coach of the Year? If not why?
  6. Defenses have been trying to take him away lately and when the Pacers dont hit open shots it works. If they are on pick your poison. So far there has not been any player able to stop Vic in one on one. His move that I love is when he makes a lot of space and goes full speed to get defender moving back just to pull up and hit the 3. Then if you dont back pedal he blows right on by.
  7. 3rd in the East who would of thunk it
  8. I agree. I believe Vic is more valuable to his team than any other player
  9. DWade in my opinion had the best mid range jumper of this era.
  10. With or without first eastern conference team to sweep the spurs since 2013
  11. Good point. We play in a 4th grade league that you can only press last min of game. I hate pressing at this age for sure. Not much positive for either team in my opinion
  12. No I wanted to be but where Coach Ellenberger became close I was a soph and u had to be a freshman. I was in Ellenberger basketball playing class and he likes how I played and he talked me into coaching as a career. For 3 years I went to practice most days and Coach would let me watch tape with him. People can say what they want about knight but his attention to detail was second to none he demanded perfection
  13. Many years ago IU had a player whose body language was not necessarily poor but was always out of pisition on defense. If i am correct he is one of the all times steals leader. His name Luke Recker. I was watching defensive tape with Coach Norm Ellenberger and he would turn his back push stop and say Recker will be out of position. Every single time he was right. His athletic ability and knack for the ball made up for it. Luke and Knight went at it over his positioning. Luke would tell knight that if I were in the position you wanted me to be I would not have gotten the steal and Knight would fire back with several expletives and say and they would not have scored in the previous 4 possessions if you were in the right position. Know it's not what you were saying but reminded me of a great story and Coach Ellenberger.
  14. My 4th grade team knows better than to throw that pass up 1 under 10 seconds. Get fouled hit 2 free throws and get a stop. Worse case scenario throw the ball toward your own basket. BTW which had 2 pacers wide open
  15. What's not to love about that young man and this team. Such a great ambssador for Indiana university. Thank you CTC for bringing Vic to our Universty. We may not have fun a title under CTC but we have a lot of high character guys to be proud of.
  16. Believe it or not I am aware of how the All Star teams are selected. In your first message about this topic yourself PGis clearly a top 10 player. I disagreed with that. If he is top 10 then there is no excuse to not make an all star team regardless of conference I know the bulk of great talent is in the West. I am too lazy to look it up but when was the last time a healthy top 10 player did not make the All Star team? Based on all that has been said does one assume then that PG only made the All Star team because the East is weak. If so then it's hard to say he is top 10 or 15. I am not comparing Vic to PG. But I would take a hungry combo of Vic and Sabonis that play like they want to be here over a player that clearly stated he did not want to. At times last year his play reflected that attitude. In his defense the team Larry built had a lot to do with that in my opinion.
  17. From me there is no I'll will for PG. We own 4 jerseys he signed one for my son. I am a PG fan. My point the whole time has been that I believe Indiana got the better end of the trade all the way around.
  18. I don't see any bashing. I don't think Vic will make the All Star game . My point is if he is a top 15 player then it really would not matter what position or conf. He plays in. Also top 15 would have put him 3rd team all NBA. If he would have been on 3rd team I believe he would still be here
  19. Is that the list that has Rudy Gorbert ahead of Kyrie? I don't take much stock in it. Off top of my head LeBron, Kyrie,Hayward, John Wall and Greek freak ahead of PG. In all honesty PG probably is the 7th best guard in the west
  20. If PG is the top 10-15 player that some claim it should make no difference what conf he plays in.
  21. I have watched more games this year than the last 2 combined. If PG leaves after this year I feel OKC got SCREWED in this deal.
  22. Today's trivia. When is 36.9 ppg <19.4 ppg Answer: when it's Vic and Sabonis vs PG.😃
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