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Everything posted by Billingsley99

  1. exactly being such a beast does not always go your way. Refs allow certain players to get mugged
  2. Not a LBJ fan but I think he does not always get the benefit of the doubt. Harden that's another level, he is in rarified Air with MJ in those regards.
  3. My memory is not the greatest, how did that work out for him? πŸ˜€ The great ones just do what is asked. IIRC center as a rookie replacing the arguably the best center of all time. In the NBA finals none the less
  4. I think we could get him for the 1980's price tag
  5. I agree with a lot of that sentiment. VO did not shine with the Thunder I feel he is better suited and wants the ball and the pressure. PG is a great player but being the man is not the best role for him IMO. Not a bash in any way, no more so than its a bash on VO for me saying he could not excel with Russ.
  6. What sour grapes do you speak of? PG is better suited as Robin to Russ Batman, and VIC is more suited to be the Superman of the Pacers. Win win for everyone. No sour grapes I still root for PG and love seeing him do well. Each players is in a better situation after the trade.
  7. Can I get permission to like this 100,000 timesπŸ˜€πŸ˜€
  8. I love PG but I like to ruffle your feathers a little. Who is the better player for 47 minutes probably PG. who do I want in crunch time VO 10 out of 10 times. If the goal is to be a good team and lose in the final seconds because you cant close PG is the man if you want a guy to get the job done the majority of the time closing out games take VO. I think PG will shine as a#2 and VO will as a #1
  9. I was coming on to say congrats to PG.great game what we should have been treated to more here in Indy but.... With all that being said ESPN put a graphic up 1st time in career PG hit a go ahead shot with less 5han 10 sec. 0-14. Now 1-15. No sour grapes just fact. Give me the late game assassin everyday of the week. VO>PG. πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
  10. I answered that in Rico post. I had not followed last 2 weeks at that time jazz were playing better I looked at the games without Vic and thought this one to be a loss
  11. I chalked this one up as an L in my mind. That's a big win
  12. In this instance both offense and defense traveled. Lol
  13. Yes in my experience defense does travel
  14. You have to have the ball to travelπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
  15. Even more important yes. Like most say this team is vastly improved over last years
  16. Poorly worded. I meant games he did not play at all. That's a good sign to win without Vic.
  17. IIRC 1st without Vic, since joining the Pacers
  18. Darn you Rico. I knew he was a ball boy for knight and totally spaced it. Well done Mr. Fountain of useless Knowledge.
  19. Amen. Do it til they stop you. The guys on the other side are professions also. IMO in pro sports their is no such thing as running up the score. Those players are paid and coaches paid to stop the other team.
  20. The more i think about this the more shocked i am that anyone has an issue with the number of shots. 58 from 3 is like 89% from 2. If your center is shooting 90 % from the floor he better get a touch every poseession. Either the issue is sarcasm or i am really confused on why 24 shots is a bad thing
  21. I would think 14-24 is a very impressive percentage from 3. From a coaches perspective i would be saying why only 24 shots? Your arm get tired? That's 58% from 3. If i could hit that percentage i would shoot 50 of them a game
  22. I know he went to South Bend Clay high school, so i will say 1 is South bend other no idea.
  23. That is correct Pamela Voiehees is the killer in the original. I have to try trick questions on you just to slow you down a littleπŸ˜€
  24. Not so fast my friend... that answer is incorrect
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