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Everything posted by Billingsley99

  1. It was nice treat for sure. Saw a few games from the Bankers Life Suite. Unlimited food and drink was nice. We would spend half game and game row 1 under the basket. Ayden was able to meet Lebron and rebound and shoot with him at half time. Being up there sure is the suite life.
  2. Did anyone see the video of the Blazers getting stuck in the elevator. Had me gasping for air just thinking about it
  3. Last year when Yogi and co beat us just after Christmas I had taken our elementary basketball teams to the game. Thought for sure we would see a blowout but nope
  4. The Mavs seem to have had the Pacers number the last few years
  5. Interesting stats on the Pacers. 2nd best team in the league defensively during the month of February. They also lead the league with 5 guys scoring in double digits in 52 of 61 games and 7 in double digits in 12 games in which they are 11-1 in those 12. just maybe there is something to this team basketball concept after all.
  6. Jasper has produced a few players over the years.
  7. Not that bad😀😀😀 I held him to 16 points. In a quarter that is!!
  8. That would be nice. Anyone remember Kelcey Mucker from Lawrenceburg? Tremendous 3 sort athlete that was going to try all 3 at IU. Got drafted by the Twins and not sure after that. Outside of Damon the hardest person I ever TRIED to guard.
  9. My guess a series of draft picks. They are definitely not 1 player away so if you are letting go of your franchise player you better parlay that into some future picks.to help speed up the process
  10. Right. I cant see the Pelicans agreeing to that.
  11. I don't think so either but AD is IMO a top 3 or 4 player KI top 10 but I think AD has more overall value. Not saying he is better just more valuable to a team trying to win it all.
  12. if I were Pelicans I would want more
  13. I love it. Seeing things like this make me love the Pacer roster even more. I heard a so called NBA expert pick the Pacers to represent the East in the finals. He felt they were too solid all around to lose 4 out of 7. Said they were the most complete team in the East
  14. Listening to Pacer pregame and I did not know Pacers #1 ranked defense in the league
  15. And IIRC everyone with a pulse knew UCLA was cheating and Mr. Buckner did not want his family name attached to that
  16. What a great representative of our University and for the Pacers
  17. "Grace, she's been dead for 30 years." - Aunt Bethany
  18. The quotes you are posting are really putting some things into perspective for me. I look forward to them each day. Thank you
  19. Fear not for behold, I bring unto you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.' And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God, and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown. Linus Van Pelt
  20. I cant believe VO missed both FT'S. Must have spent too much time Saturday with the Hoosiers.
  21. If the Pacers win tonight they would have the same record as the Warriors and the 3rd best in the league. Pretty impressive. I see all this hype for the Raptors and the Pacers are only a couple games back.
  22. This is a fun team to watch. My wife hates the NBA unless we have good seats and she even likes this team.
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