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Everything posted by Billingsley99

  1. I heard that discussion yesterday and the owners will not back down on best of 7. Playoff money from TV revenue is way to high and each game beyond 4 in the series the profit is off the charts. Not very well worded sorry
  2. I believe the collective bargaining and players association have some type of wordage that will prevent the shortening of the season. Owners say in order to pay that high salary they need that many games. Neither side wants to give up revenue so ultimately the money will come from the fans. I don't disagree with what you are saying but if these NHL guys can go 82 no reason to think NBA players can, and at a high level.
  3. I have zero sympathy for guys making 30 million a year having to play 82 games. If a player played all 48 minutes for 82 games that is around 65 hours of work for 30 million. Pretty over worked for playing a GAME that you love. Many of us work more hours in 1 week than the actual game time they play in a season. I dont want to hear the workouts and travel blah blah blah. It must suck to stay at the Conrad fly private jets etc get to a city and play a game. The NBA season is around 174 days long so using the 30 million dollar amount that is 82,000 a day. Suck it up and play as many as the fans are willing to pay for and your best should be expected. I get tiered of announcers saying he plays so hard. For what he is making would you expect any less. The rest of us if we don't work hard we have to look for a new job.
  4. Thinking about it and Johnny's voice make me feel the need to clear my throat.
  5. I can hear it clear as can be "Havlicek steals the ball" A true great. RIP
  6. Could not carry Magic's jock to a pick up game!
  7. RW is all about ME ME ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Westbrook will never allow that. he is just worried about the stat line and if wins come thats great. I love how people say he is unselfish because of the number of assists but IMO his is one of the most selfish players in the game.
  9. PG was so PG in the presser last night. Instead of saying the guy hit a tough shot lets say it was a bad shot 40 times to try and convince yourself as the reality of yet another summer starts and another 1st round exit. Even though the guy was 4-6 from shots 30 ft or beyond. The 4 he hit in the first quarter off balance were all bad shots but they went in.
  10. I did something similar with a board game we created for the great depression.
  11. I expected to hear lots of tips coming forward most will yield nothing but like you said it's back in the forefront. Over 1000 calls so far. Late professor famous for the Last Lecture, Randy Pausch called them head fakes. Make the believe they are doing something fun when actually learning a difficult subject.
  12. With the season on the line Westbrook had no intention what so ever to give the ball up to the red hot PG. Not even a little bit sad to see Lillard light em up.
  13. I used to teach a class called Topics in US History and 1 semester we examined some of the great conspiracy theories. Another year we did the JFK assassination for the entire semester and ended with a thesis presentation with evidence of who the killer was. Its amazing how much kids will put into something especially if they feel it goes against what the book says.
  14. I highly recommend the series Very Scary People. Well done with lots of material.
  15. Have you watched the new series Very Scary People? I watched the one on Manson, Zodiac and Jim Jones so far. I think there is 1 on the most famous woman serial killer Aileen Wournos that was pretty good
  16. I really enjoyed that show and I have not had 2 hours to sit down at 1 time and watch it but I just started Zodiac, Movie from 2007 I believe. Hollywood makes it pretty to convict someone. The guy that solved the Unabomber case is credited with the first case solved by the FBI using linguistics.
  17. "eat your cake and have it to" was the phrase that nailed the Unabomber
  18. My wife and I watched it live yesterday and as soon as the Superintendent began to talk I told my wife this guy is good and I feel they will catch the killer. There was something else on the phone that I feel has given them some very good evidence but not enough I think they have a few suspects life you said that every move will be watched. Now its a matter of time.
  19. I was expecting some real breaking news. I love this strategy and listening to the exact wording I do believe this person is not some drifter or a career criminal per se but someone that has a profession career and a family. Still such a tragic story and I hope and pray he is captured.
  20. I just think Magic assumed everyone would want to come to LA and play with LeBron. LA will always be Magic and not even LeBron can touch him there.
  21. Not just because he is an IU grad but I have always felt Cuban would be a great owner to play for.
  22. I am beyond mechanically uninclined. I do like to do DIY projects. YouTube is a savior in that regard but unfortunately I have several not quite finished projects according to the Mrs.
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