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Everything posted by Billingsley99

  1. I believe you bring back Bojan at almost any cost
  2. I could not watch the Pacers if they had Ingram. I just waiting for 1 of those tooth pick legs to just snap.
  3. I would expect Pacers to move back not up but if for some crazy reason Morant is there I would try to make a move.
  4. I really never follow the draft. Are there any foreign players that might slip in top 3. I think that if JA Morant is at 4 I would make a move. Myles would help Lakers more than Morant would
  5. Romeo will not slip that far. Would anyone welcome Myles Turner to Lakers for 4th pick
  6. I am disappointed that my good friend Jay Howard will not be running. Unless something has changed recently. Very classy guy.
  7. Agree. I am not saying they are better without Durant but they are better without him than they are without Curry. Much more enjoyable to watch without KD
  8. Looking back at of PG game winners this year in 3 of the games RW was not on the floor and in the 1 he was he delivered the assist to PG. I can admit when I am wrong in those game winners PG played like I had hoped he would have in Indy. I still think he is a much better player when he does not feel like he has to be the man. Ps if RW is in the game make no doubt the ball will be in his hands to force a good shot bad shot or find the.open man.
  9. I know for sure you have watched more OKC games than I have and probably more NBA games as well. Let's play a little game. 20 seconds left in the game the team I list is down 2 taking the ball out at half court. Tell me whose hands will the ball be in at the top of key when the game is on the line for each of these teams. Lakers Celtics Bucks Raptors Trail blazers Rockets Thunder
  10. I agree completely amazing year deep into season was in MVP talks. Why?? Because he was number 2. He will strive in that role. He is a very good 1 but a great 2. Why is that a slight in any way. As THE MAN 0/16 as the 2nd option much much better. You can spin it anyway u want but PG and big time pressure situations have not gone very well for him. When with Pacers he had ball in his hands and tried to create and had 0 game winners. With OKC Russ tries to create and hits PG in position to do damage. There is a big difference.
  11. He had no pressure RW draws sure attention it allows PG to be PG. he is a top talent and nothing wrong with being Robin Kyrie showed he's a better Robin as well
  12. He did have a career year because he did not have to be Batman. He like I have said since the trade would do so well if he was the number 2. Noting against PG but there is no pressure on him and he plays much better that way. If Russ did not screw things up I think they were a real threat in the West
  13. Robin Robin Robin we all know who Batman is in that relationship
  14. I love this discussion because I do like PG but I like being a smart ass more. Batman catches at least 1 bad guy in 16 attempts though. 0/16 is very Robinesque 😀
  15. Yes he did. I grew up a Magic Johnson lakers fan but since Brad took the job I have for most part enjoyed watching them but this year and especially the playoffs have been brutal. I think he needed to ride Lebrons coattails a little more. More times than not it's harder to be Batman than it is to be Robin. Ask PG😀
  16. I like Brad Steven's but watching that team overall body language etc made it hard to hope for anything less than a beat down. "Losing" Kyrie will improve your team drastically
  17. Anytime I hear the Stu Gotz intro , I invison Bell Lugosi as Dracula. Drives me bat bleep crazy!!
  18. I used to keep the fan on all day in office and in my car but from 10-12 I switch it and sometimes forget not to turn it back.
  19. I cannot stand the Dan Lebatard show but was forced to listen to a minute and actually laughed. Someone on the show when talking about Jokic for the Nuggets said, " Its amazing watching a loaf of white bread dominating the NBA playoffs." On a side note 1070 the Fan lost an avid listener when they added that show to the lineup.
  20. I do not think Steph gets enough heat. anytime he misses a layup or open 3's the injury excuse is made from every talking head out there.
  21. I don't like Durant, really dislike Green but would love him on my team and so many calls go in their favor. I love their ball movement and screening and their defensive rotations as a coach but as a fan I hope they lose.
  22. speaking of which 24 years ago Reggie solidified his place in basketball lore forever.
  23. I like the Bucks out of the East. Too much bench depth IMO. GS looks fatigued to me. I did not mind the Celtics winning this series I really like BS, but after Game 1 hearing Paul Pierce say the series was over and Bucks would win 1 maybe I cant help but pull for the Bucks. I hope the Rockets bounce the warriors, they have become so unlikable getting close to Patriots level for me.
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