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Everything posted by Billingsley99

  1. Idk great question. I tell you this Curry could not have wiped the rear end of players in the 80's let alone be a star
  2. I agree I think the Clippers are a better team. But Lakers have better duo IMO
  3. Magic did not have to be. If his team needed 40 he would give you 40 they need 15 dimes he got it. 3 years ago I would have still taken Magic, today Lebron
  4. For 1 season I would take LBJ over anyone and take AD and LBJ over any other duo that is currently together. KL and PG would be number 2 for me
  5. Magic and Kareem are top 5 ever. Pippen not so much
  6. Look them up. I grew up a Lakers fan. No need I lived it. Showtime was my life. You think that if Magic played with less talent his numbers would be off the charts. Of the guys we are talking about could go in finals ( as a rookie point guard) start at Center and could give.you 47 15 and 7. He could do whatever he wanted or his team needed.
  7. When the dynamic duo of PG and KL play in 8 straight finals let me know. LBJ single handedly got the Cavs to the finals
  8. Fair neither MJ nor Pippen are the all time leading scorer nor do either have more assists or rebounds than Magic
  9. No way. Lebron is having a monster year and does not need to take ever other day off work. KL is a great player but he is on a different planet than the all time greats I might even take AD over Leonard
  10. All title come down to supporting cast. Not like MJ and Pippen player with chopped liver. IMO LBJ > KL AD>PG
  11. Those 2 have a handful of rings and PG has the same number of titles as I do.
  12. I said it when he went to OKC and nothing has changed. PG will thrive in the role of Robin. He is not a Batman and when asked to he we saw the results 0-16 in game winners. Dont bring up that he has several last year without Russ and this year without KL. I know but over the course of a season he is not a #1. Knowing he does not have to carry the team I feel is the best thing for PG. I could see him winning am MVP next to KL.
  13. I can only only base on what I have seen. I would take Magic and Kareem over any due. That I have seen play.
  14. The Holiday bros has out played my expectations for sure. Thos team is fun to watch and easy to pull for
  15. Since someone has to be it might as well be me, at least I am not one of those childish guys that try to plunge everything down the toilet.
  16. My all time favorite: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.- John
  17. I honestly was expecting worse. Had the absolute best memory of any person I have ever been around. Not even close
  18. They have met since then. In Bloomington just not sure where
  19. I believe they have met in Bloomington maybe even on campus. Not 100 percent on that
  20. Now you are talking. With a Hot Fudge Cake to go with it.
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