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Everything posted by Billingsley99

  1. I said it before the draft and I am sticking to it that I think Morant will be the much better of the 2. I also said Zion would be a flop, not so.sure he might be great if he stays healthy. He is easy to root for also. I just hate all the ESPN hype though.
  2. Dougie McBuckets with 18 of his 24 in the 4th. Sabonis with 1st triple double. No big stars but lots of weapons
  3. Was it a Hoosier by chance that now does some TV for the Pacers
  4. Yes Wilt is the other. Russ and Wilt only ever to do it
  5. Who are the only 2 NBA players to record a 20pt 20 reb. 20 assist triple double in a game?
  6. In the Eastern conference only 3 games separate 2-6 but 5.5 games between 6 and 7.
  7. I agree with that. Most south people pull for the Pirates and in their success most of us feel we are part of that community. For South the idea of beating Greensburg is huge because it does not happen often. The Dallas Clark question just made me spit my water all over the place. Had not heard that one in a long time!! I guess i do but 25 pounds fatter now😀
  8. Hopefully I see you there stop by and say hi. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://amp.indystar.com/amp/2799503001&ved=2ahUKEwjAuru-_vjmAhWYK80KHcWiB8oQyM8BMAB6BAgEEAQ&usg=AOvVaw3hcXGgCK0Uo82aY2R554nB&ampcf=1
  9. Will you be attending the Greensburg and South Decatur game
  10. Calling him fat timmy on the air probably does not help
  11. I recall bits and pieces of that. I believe some things have changed recently.
  12. Yes. And added some to it. I am sure DD was on the receiving end of many of those.
  13. Exactly what you said. I may be way off base but I think our program was in w much better place than UVA as far as talent goes. I am not in the camp that supports that the IU cupboard was bare. Hate beating the dead horse but year 4 for CTC netted 27 wins. I dont feel we are anywhere close to that.
  14. good question and i think it is some of both. I just don't see the toughness that I thought he would instill in this program. I thought we would be a blue collar bust your butt team that took no crap. Instead we are 180 degrees the opposite. I do think Romeo was mishandled in his system as well as the kid gloves aspect and that hurt the team accountability. I wish I had the answers and I think he is a good coach but just not sure if he is good enough to get us where we as fans want us to be. Losing 11 out of 12 is on the staff especially with 2 NBA level players. To beat MSU 2 times suggest that the talent was there. We just never seem fired up and motivated, lack hustle even on the defensive end. I thought that we as a program would be tough defensive minded team that struggled to score. We struggle to score and are soft. Maybe practice is not nearly difficult enough due to fear of injuries. I don't have any answers. I know that having had the opportunity to see many D1 coaches practice and the 1 thing that always stuck out is just how hard the players go. Outside of Coach Knight, Kelvin Sampson worked his guys harder than anyone I have seen, with Izzo being right there as well. Over the course of a year it shows and those teams don't go on long losing streaks and find ways to deal with adversity.. Practice under CAM has been closed so I can't judge them but from what i see on the court I don't see the intensity. the first year I thought that our shooting struggles came because we worked so hard on the defensive end but found that out to not be accurate. I know a very wishy washy response but the lack of toughness has to come from the top IMO, sadly the 1 attribute that I thought CAM would demand was toughness
  15. I was called crazy for the mere suggestion of it this summer but I was not in the meeting so who knows for sure
  16. Oh yeah!!! If that meeting took place I think RMK would put the fear of God in CAM
  17. Love it. Dakich recreated it and added some yesterday thought it was pretty good. Funny Sterling sees the exact same things many if us do. We are not tough, not well coached and not prepared. That is completely on the staff. Put the kids in position to he successful. Lack of change or unwillingness to adapt is going to have Archie updating his resume sooner rather than later. I said it here at the end of the summer. Glass met with CTA and said bowl or bust and told CAM tourney or bust. CTA delivered, CAM yet to be seen. I was quickly dismissed that no way that happens. We shall see
  18. Here right now. $5 chalupa box and 2 reaper double stack tacos
  19. I did not realize that the Pacers had the most home wins in the Eastern conference the past 10 years Also made the playoffs in 20 of past 30years. Maybe they don't have any titles but are the model of consistency.
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