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Everything posted by Billingsley99

  1. Frank coached Rivers they like each other a lot. More and more coming out that the Colts are looking to move on from Jacoby.
  2. hearing a lot of Rivers to Colts talk and not sure if I like the idea or not. I just know we wont win a title with Jacoby IMO
  3. Go to the Irish Lion and grab a yard of Guiness for me. Been 20 years since I have done that. I dont drink but when I do it's a Guiness!! Your question will take many of us back in time to great memories. The Bird is legendary for sure
  4. A friend of mine from the Detroit area is saying that Stafford to the Bears has some serious legs to it Any Bears fans hearing anything. Stafford Bridgewater or Brady is what I would like to see Colts look to do
  5. Kemba Walker is 0-25 in taking the game tying or winning shot under 10 seconds in the last 4 years. The 3 guys with the most 3 point games winners in the past 2 years. Paul George Vic Bojan bogdanovic
  6. John Walsh was on Dr Oz last week talking about this case.
  7. I have to credit the old man next to me at the urinal for this one. "You officially know you are old when you piss in Morse code and it takes 10 minutes to send the message"
  8. That's great in theory but come playoff time when teams game plan take away players without Vic we go nowhere
  9. I will take sacrificing some February wins if it helps us win a first round series. I know that home court helps to win that first round but right now it's all about chemistry. Without Vic we wont get past 1st round but with that group working together I could see a conference finals appearance
  10. They got outplayed for 2:37 because they could not handle the press. we can agree to disagree, none the less the Pacers let a golden opportunity slip through their fingers but know they can play with them on the road. Lets hope the stop the long streak tomorrow in Indy
  11. Pacers flat out gave one away on the road against the hottest team in basketball
  12. Thank you to @BGleas for giving me some local tips to pass along to her. They had an amazing time
  13. The view from my daughters seat last night at the Celtics and Warriors game.
  14. Between Damonis Sabonis and Damian Lillard who has more triple doubles? If you said Sabonis you are correct. Lillard got his first last night
  15. Between last season and this season so far ,Victor Oladipo is tied for the most game tying or game winning 3's. Vic has played in 37 of the possible 130 games. Definition of a stone cold killer.
  16. Saddest part is that the Pacers have lost 7 games to teams with less than 17 wins
  17. On the road working hopefully I can listen to some of each
  18. VO DAY is here. Not expecting greatness just happy to have Vic back
  19. You have a chance to score if you actually get the opportunity to touch the ball.
  20. Eric Gordon drops 50 on the Jazz last night.
  21. I agree. Hearing Trae Young speak about Kobes daughter touched me. It so hard to imagine how much we mourn over people that we may have never met but seem to really know by watching them display their talents. For many its like mourning a friend.
  22. Idk. I am really mixed on what I expect from him. Would not be shocked with any outcome what do know is he is NOT the next LBJ
  23. I signed off the College Football championship when one analyst while comparing Lawrence and Burrow said that Lawrence will be the better pro because he is much bigger below the waist.
  24. Unfortunately just like the Pacers this year I think it will be just a blip on the radar. At some point people have to realize how good they are and what a great job Nate and staff and front office are doing
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