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Everything posted by Billingsley99

  1. Very well done!!! I wish I was mechanically inclined.
  2. My wife, Ayden and myself were sitting on the bleaches watching a baseball game between my sons college team and a team from Mass on Thursday march 12th. My oldest son came in to pitch, 2. 2/3 innings of no hit baseball striking out 5 walking 0 and giving up no runs. As they were about to enter the 7th inning the coach asked if we wanted to finish the game or allow a freshman to finish it and he would be able to throw again on Saturday. My wife did not understand why they took him out and was ticked but I told her he would probably throw Saturday. My son that is graduating from college in 3 years and will begin grad school to become a doctor in June walked off the mound just like he has so many times before, but this time was different. At 11:00 pm Thursday night my wife got a text from our son that said ,"The school has called all teams back to Ohio immediately and they would be leaving Florida Friday morning." by the end of Friday classes had been postponed and all will be done online. By Saturday the campus was closed for the semester and students had until March 21st to be off campus. Somewhere in all of this his last year of baseball was cancelled. My son started playing T Ball at 3 years old and for the past 18 years I have enjoyed watching him play more than anything in this world. I have been blessed to have been able to see over 95% of his games. This year was going to be different, we were going to find a way to see every game, actually we did that. I could not have asked for a better son or could not be any more proud of him than I am. Not only is a great player but much much better person. On that Thursday afternoon he walked off the field with no fanfare, no standing ovation, nothing different from the 100's of other times except that it was the last time!! As a coach I have always told my players to enjoy every opportunity because it could be your last. I know that personally as I tore my ACL my senior year of high school and never stepped on the court in a meaningful game again. I have coached kids that have gotten hurt and not been able to return and many that after losing their final game reality hit that it was over. For my son he did not get the opportunity to know that this was it. For me that is a hard part to deal with. In the big picture it is still just a game and we knew it was ending this year but (BEING GREEDY I WANTED TO SOAK IT IN) did not expect it like this. I know he will be very successful but knowing that he has played his last game and I will never get the opportunity to be a fan of my all time favorite baseball player is very saddening. No more will I be yelling, Get ahead and stay there and the many other stupid things we Dad's say. I knew it would happen but I am not ready. Many of you have gone through this and can relate. More greed here, my wife and I won't get the opportunity to walk across the field on Senior night heads held high as they introduce our son, we won't get the opportunity to compete for any titles, we won't be blessed with watching a young man with much GOD given talent doing the things that have brought us such joy for many years. This was the year in which he finally put it all together and worked so hard in the off season to fine tune some things. His final stat line for 2020. 8 2/3 innings pitched. 0.00 ERA 11 K's 1 BB 1 hit. Today I am proud of my son and for the 18 years of memories that he has provided. On one end of this Corona Virus spectrum I fear for my youngest son and his health as he does have serious medical issues and on the other end I selfishly am upset at what this virus has taken away from us and from my oldest son in losing his last year of baseball. Thank you for letting me express my feelings
  3. Having a child with a very compromised immune system, this virus has my full attention. W
  4. The colts are in a win now situation I would think. What does Jacoby make 20 mil
  5. Time to.makr a big splash. I would be all in on Teddy
  6. If you do let us know. Good old snipe hunting, where you the bag holder and did you catch any
  7. Perfect timing. I took Ayden there last night. That's one of his favorites. They sponsor our little league team. Excellent food lots of good choices. The running pony is my favorite. Mac and cheese is next level good. Obermeyers are a very good family and their business is very active in the community. A couple of my former players work for them
  8. Praise God Ayden has overcome both Flu A and B this year and H1N1 as a baby.
  9. I see it from a slightly different point of view. When you have a child with serious health issues and were told that a common cold could cause your sons DNA to begin breaking down you take all virus very seriously. The Flu, H1N1 now Coronavirus have all gained the attention of our family but we dont keep Ayden in a bubble just a little extra caution
  10. Took the family to the Chicago Smokeout last summer. Great time unbelievable food and good country music. Ayden is the BBQ connoisseur and we look for new opportunities to find great food.
  11. I have been worried about ZD, not posted in a while.
  12. I will give you a pass this time but next trip to Bloomington, no excuses 😀
  13. I dont drink unless I am on a tropical island somewhere but when I am I drink Grey goose and cranberry and a Guiness
  14. The only question I have is did you have a pint or a yard of Guinness for me?
  15. JMV said all.the NFL guys are saying Rivers to Colts is going to happen but he heard from a very reliable source as he says that there is 0 chance that happens.
  16. Well done. Got caught up some a small committment and forgot to come back
  17. For the season to clarify they were the top 2 scorers on their team that year
  18. I have one for you. What was the only NBA team to win a championship while having both guards averaging over 25 points a game? Name them. I dont think either LED their team in scoring.
  19. I would agree that Jim Brown makes a lot of sense. My only guess for the MLB player was Dave Winfield
  20. We called the VID a townie bar was definitely off the beaten path for most college kids
  21. Used to work at the Ponderosa and would run down to the Vid to catch the end of many IU games.
  22. Winston is my second. I love the leadership and fire in Rivers and with our line he might be great
  23. I dont think Jacoby is the answer. I think think Bridgewater would be my first option.
  24. For that I think his skills have diminished too much Not a threat to run, takes too many risks and I dont think he has the arm strength to complete passes that his mind thinks it still can. 5 years ago yes today not sold yet
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