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Everything posted by Billingsley99

  1. We shall soon see. If not we would have lost mine and wives income. Hopefully he does what he told us. The problem is our customers are not paying
  2. And he is fine with that. How many other talk shows are being discussed on that forum? He knows there is a market and he is exploiting it for sure.
  3. Here is where the rubber meets the road. The new owner of our business said a week ago we had nothing to worry about a now that governor has shut us down in will find out. Not getting the warm fuzzy feeling I was looking for.b
  4. Exactly. I picked up a free fridge before Thanksgiving on craigslist for the garage. Coming in handy for sure. 21 year old son will eat us into poverty
  5. If you want to understand Cricket call me. Ayden is an expert on it. Because of the disadvantages he faces in the traditional sports he is an expert and really good in the obscure . I bowl a lot of Cricket balls to him to most nice days
  6. we were in need of some serious groceries. Just getting back from vacation we did not have much and then having my college son move home and all of us being there all the time I had to go. The only place where I found most of what we needed was Aldi. I believe that every item was reduced which was a nice touch. A concern for many people is that we don't stockpile like our grandparents did and having the extra mouths there for all meals will cause a financial burden on many. Where we live many of the kids only get meals from the school which is so sad. OUr school like most are setting up areas to get meals to those families. My wife was asked to work it and get paid but the extra exposure is just not worth it. Thankfully we were able to get what we needed
  7. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/tom-brady-had-interest-colts-141818971.html FWIW: I wish they would have at least tested the waters a bit. Rivers pun intended
  8. Its like WWE, in the ring those guys may be firce, dirty good for nothing bums but their real life persona may be nothing like that. Dan on his show is an entertainer that people continue to talk about and to listen too and complain about. His character gets good following. His real life persona does not always line up with the on air one. As long as you think they are 1 in the same many of you wont like him. I am sure he is fine with that. Make no mistake he knows what he is doing and for ratings it is working. Dan the entertainer gets the Bill's paid. Dan the former Hoosier not so much
  9. Or you could take the Cowboy approach and pay Zeke a fortune and ride him all the way to a champio.... oh wait
  10. Stay safe out there. I drive back and forth to indy every day. In office all day by myself no contact with anyone if I can help it. It's so odd to not have much traffic.
  11. My feeling as well. Also heard a podcast from a Dr. That thinks many Flu B, positives were actually Corona. Not sure but I can see how 1 might think that
  12. Did not look at link yet but is that percentage for the 1st test. I saw a guy on CNN last night that tested positive but before leaving quarantine had to give 5 negative results. Is data skewed because of that or because so many high profile people getting tested without symptoms. Not disputing just wondering if those situations impact over results
  13. Since he is not an NBA PLAYER we are not allowed. We were told if symptoms appear dont go to dr or er, have them come out to the car to test him. I am one that does not stress easily, right now my stress level is very high. As of now we just sit tight and everyone but me have been home quarantined since Sunday but my job wont allow
  14. All of this is hitting way too close to home. a 3rd staff member and their spouse have tested positive and apparently have been sick for nearly 2 weeks. All 3 that have tested positive are people that Ayden had direct contact with on a daily basis.
  15. Second staff member at Ayden's elementary just tested positive. I can't handle this. I have lots of faith in our GOD and I am putting all of it in him to protect Ayden.
  16. https://www.google.com/amp/s/fox59.com/news/indy-business-receives-1000-tip-during-coronavirus-pandemic/amp/
  17. I ain't mad about that effort First clean limerick I have ever heard
  18. Just received an email for the Superintendent of our schools and found out that 1 of the teachers at Ayden's elementary , one that he has lots of contact with has tested positive and is in ICU at Columbus Regional Hospital. This is the 1st case for Decatur County.
  19. Purely a guess but I believe he or Kaufman maybe both, we can dream right?
  20. Kevin Bowen with the line of the day. When hearing the Texans traded Hopkins, " irsay should have a statue of Bill O Brien erected next to Peyton's "
  21. Not sure Kaufman was my guess as well but it seems that we are gaining some real traction with a certain 5* that Mile alluded too in another thread. I want to believe what I am hearing but skeptical only because of the not being able to be on campus and such things still up in the air in regards to sports in general.
  22. Wife just texted me Rivers to the Colts, in an odd kind of way I was wanting Brady
  23. Not sure how all the Coronavirus cancellations will alter things but I expect this Domino to fall soon and don't be surprised if another shortly there after. Ones that we should all enjoy unless you are 1 of the 2 resident Toiletmakers
  24. OJ probably would never have been arrested in Vegas had he not blown all of his money looking for the real killer!! Could have bought a mirror and solved that 1 but we all know that.
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