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Everything posted by Billingsley99

  1. This challenge does look amazing actually. My wife and oldest son are hooked so I have seen my fair share of it as well as Jersey Shore.
  2. This challenge does look amazing actually. My wife and oldest son are hooked so I have seen my fair share of it as well as Jersey Shore.
  3. This challenge does look amazing actually. My wife and oldest son are hooked so I have seen my fair share of it as well as Jersey Shore.
  4. Not much just more than I have. Google and YouTube are my best friends on projects
  5. The wife and I started Tiger King last night around 8pm and finished it around 2am. Just could not turn it off. Interesting to say the least
  6. one of the biggest problems with social distancing is that my wife has a long list of repairs and projects I need to finish. The problem is she is married to a very unmechanically inclined man. Going to he a long few weeks.
  7. Only going out once a week for necessity items. Walmart had 1 case limit on water. For family of 5 we go through 1 a day. Especially with everyone home all the time. 2 people in line next to me each bought 1 of my cases and gave them to me. Did not let me pay. Ayden wanted taco bell brought home so to pay it forward I bought the car behind me. Tough times can bring out the best in people.
  8. I still cannot believe people are not taking this seriously. Decatur county has a population of 82000 I think and have 61 cases and at least 2 deaths. Decatur county and the surrounding counties are a hotspot right now. Ayden has not left our property in almost 3 weeks. Doing all we can to protect him. The most important thing we can do is to pray for our world, our leaders and for this spread to slow and stop. A man I know well taught his older kids and his youngest daughter is in Aydens class, passed away 2 days ago. HSN PLEASE STAY SAFE. Wife has too long of a honey do list for me to check in.much. staying busy keeps my mind from going to dark places.
  9. Very similar situation. My daughter is an oncology nurse at Riley. My step mother in law has been making masks and donating them to local nursing home
  10. I guess I don't work for 1 of them. I spent hours last night and this morning reaching out to some of our clients that owe money but are big enough to endure and was able to get several invoices paid, only to find out that we will all be laid off and therefore will not be getting paid. The cherry on top is that no commissions will be paid to me for my sales. Big picture we will find a way to survive and as long as Ayden is OK I can handle the rest but not the news I was hoping for today.
  11. I just noticed that my small rural county has 6 and that does not include the 3 that I know of from our schools since they actually live in neighboring counties.
  12. we continue to pray for you, your family and all new yorkers.
  13. I will send the delivery your way
  14. Thats awesome. My roommate of 3 years worked as a waitress at the moves, we got a lot pf perks so to speak.
  15. Why did we never think of that. Got killed on security deposits for damage and not clean enough. We once had several from night moves come over to "clean" for us 😀
  16. Not if you are contained with your wife, well I can't speak for you but if I ordered carryout and it was delivered topless the rest of my meals would be consumed through a straw.
  17. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/clubs-closed-covid-19-strippers-205306427.html Topless food deliver in Portland
  18. Pure guess for obscurity reasons Bob Ueker
  19. In 1994 Vinny and Bill LED The Browns to the playoffs
  20. This one is to easy for this place but hoping it will spawn some others. Only 2 QB'S have ever started a playoff game for head coach Bill Belichick, TB is obvious, who is the other?
  21. It's all about Faith. Yesterday Ayden and I watched the Rocky movie marathon. Even thought he owns all the movies. After we decided to rank Rocky's opponents. Ayden looked up a list to see how our list matched up but on the website list #2 was Father Time #1 The English language
  22. That would get their attention but his ratings continue to skyrocket. I was interested in some radio AD time and the space for his show was significantly higher than the other spots
  23. I should have said as employees he would make sure we had nothing to worry about. 10 days of no clients paying invoices unfortunately may have changed his tune
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