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Everything posted by Billingsley99

  1. Thank you and I know you would. I will update. I am not skilled so anything will be positive for me. Time to get back at it
  2. 2 out of 4 not bad. Lots of you tube, good game plan but wife wants it done yesterday and I dont drink. Love the advice.
  3. That part of the project I am capable of, the rest we shall see
  4. Only thing I have to besides puzzles
  5. We had some serious water damage that I put off too long. Just finished the bathroom tear out. I will hopefully have some completion photos by end of the week
  6. I was shocked first time I got gas in Jersey. I thought the guy was going to jack me to he honest
  7. Some of the testing pics that show ships getting sucked into the mushroom cloud are unfathomable.
  8. Not yet that.i know.of. should be soon and just gut feeling a yes would come soon as well. Soon might be this fall or next Spring but I like this kid a lot
  9. Since Ayden is not in school I am teaching him US History and part of the curriculum is America The story of US my wife and I watching lots on Oxygen about serial killer and Innocent Files on Netflix
  10. Thanks for clarification. That's why I was hoping it not come across as gossip
  11. Dont want this to come across as gossipy but former Greensburg Pirates star basketball player and Ball State alum Sean Sellers father passed from Coronavirus. Man did a lot of great things in community and his youngest son is same age as.my oldest boy and competed against each other their whole life
  12. Hope you are ok and prayers for you and especially your parents.
  13. That's the hospital that my kids were born in
  14. Of the people being tested in Decatur county 52% have tested positive. We are up to 12 confirmed positives in our church alone. I just dont think most people are social distancing here and it shows
  15. You need to stop tailgating me and that would not happen
  16. I am excited for what he will bring to our team. Anyone that thinks this was just a solid pickup is really selling this kid short. Like many in this class and next has potential to become fan favorites.
  17. May be some overreaction but from what I see not enough happening IMO. in Decatur county a husband and wife pass about 24 hours apart. Drove by a funeral this week with at least 50 people hanging out in a group. All while we were under a level RED travel restriction.
  18. Very excited about this one. Huge upside very bright young man. 4 year player that adds to the toughness we are building at IU. Next dominoe should fall sooner rather than later. Be shocked if we dont have 1 or 2 more around 1st week of May
  19. A relative of the principal at Aydens school passed from Coronavirus. Our area getting hit pretty hard. Prayers for all of you. Please stay safe. Ayden and my wife have not gone anywhere other than walks and bike rides since March 14th.
  20. The JFK assassination is the most fascinating single event in us history for me. After reading and watching just about everything I cannot say with confidence that Oswald acted alone. The statement from the ER DR at Parkland Memorial hospital that there were entry wounds from 2 different directions is very hard to overlook. America needed a killer and they had him with Oswald.
  21. When Derek Smith had surgery on his knee we shared a room for a day at Christ hospital in Cincy. I also was having ACL surgery by the same Dr.
  22. Getting even more scary in our little neck of the woods https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://cbs4indy.com/news/coronavirus/travel-warning-in-decatur-county-to-go-into-effect-thursday/amp/&ved=2ahUKEwjl6pfTpMfoAhVCmK0KHai9CcYQFjAPegQIARAB&usg=AOvVaw1DBFz8eog_nqebVewOtNmd&ampcf=1
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