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Everything posted by Billingsley99

  1. Nicknamed at the All star game correct?
  2. Easy trivia today . Name the only 2 members of the 500 homerun club that were switch hitters?
  3. Very clever and yes he did. Even though he did not need them. You are correct with your assumption
  4. Staying on topic who was the only Confederate soldier to be charged and convicted of crimes of war ? In 8th grade US History we end with the Civil War and in 11th grade pick up with Reconstruction. On the last day for 8th graders I asked that same question for 20 bonus points. The catch they cannot answer it until 1st day of 11th grade US history. One year I asked the question and 1 student walked up to my large bookcase pulled the corner away from the wall and grabbed a piece of paper that he had taped there when he was an 8th grader with the correct answer on it. He taped it there right after class 3 years of earlier.
  5. IIRC Morgan captured Corydon and made his march north to Vernon and Johnson captured Newburgh in early 1862.
  6. I believe the city of Newburgh is the answer.
  7. I just recently did again waiting to hear back
  8. We have lost 75 percent of our income end neither my wife or I can draw unemployment. We had to do a bathroom remodeling project because of water damage and insurance was covering it and my intentions were to hire someone to do it. Instead Corona has forced me to be the one doing it.
  9. I believe there have been as many or more train robberies in Jackson and Jennings counties than any other counties in the country. Might have just been local legend
  10. Like you said the vast majority will be fine. We are doing great thanks for asking. My wife and Ayden have not not been in a public place in nearly 2 months. 1 trip to Riley for bloodwork is all. Ayden could easily become home school child unfortunately
  11. Not all kids will be fine. Most probably so but all CF, MITO and any other respiratory disease kids wont be fine
  12. Looks awesome. I am embarrassed to show show my work after seeing that
  13. Dr of physical therapy. My daughter is a nurse at Riley in hematology and oncology because of the influence that nurses had in Aydens life. Great question. Thank you
  14. I surely out kicked my coverage. Thanks my oldest daughter had to facetime us so we could all be together
  15. Nope Dad was the camera man. Wish I were that handsome. He takes after mom thankfully
  16. Yesterday we were so.bleseed to celebrate the graduation of my oldest son from college. He graduated in 3 years, played baseball and graduated with honors. 3.75 GPA and starts Grad school to become a Dr. Very proud of him.
  17. No choice. I sleep with the supervisor so long days and short night. Its amazing what some new flooring will do. I feel like I have half dozen incomplete jobs and that stresses me.
  18. Love those. Those would make amazing counter tops.
  19. I remember hearing Beltre became the 5th player to do it 4 or 5 years ago.
  20. Got the laminate flooring down in 3 rooms and have half of the accent wall in living room done. Galvanized tin with an antique barn wood border and will finish top half with white shiplap. While I was working on those projects my wonderfully amazing wife took our old dark finish kitchen cabinets and distressed them. They look awesome. Pics below to share.
  21. Wife cut mine the other day after half bottle of wine I just said it looks great and will grow back. Not like I am seeing any clients
  22. That means a lot my friend. HSN has been there for me when I was at my darkest moments. This place gave me a place to go and feel genuine love and support. Mile I so much appreciate all that you do for me and my family. I am proud to call you a friend. Love that pic of Ayden 2nd birthday party at local tractor sales place. We are doing well. Everyday I just thank God for protecting Ayden. As long as that continues, everything else we can get through. Thank you and have a most blessed day!!
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