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Everything posted by Billingsley99

  1. Yes sir as well as the only undrafted QB to win a super bowl. I loved his book and to hear his story was pretty inspiring
  2. My son and I worked on project for his new apartment. This was the blind leading the blind. We were pleased with the results far from perfect but 1st attempt at doing any furniture. We tool an old trunk and converted it into a coffee table. Total cost about 20 and an end table with 15 or less in it.
  3. Here is a layup to get the day started. Who is the only undrafted player to win the NFL MVP award?
  4. Forgot all about him being used so.much in that role. I think you are right
  5. I dont think rusty is close but I just remember seeing him when I was a kid and like every game he was pinch hitting
  6. No idea first name to pop in my head Rusty staub
  7. He already linked to an actress introduced to him him ... guess who? If you said Danica you would be correct
  8. Some people just live up to their names
  9. That movie made me feel like a dirty old man
  10. great memory and why yes I do. When you are in sales and on the road a lot you spend a lot of time in the bathroom. Diet Mountain Dew is my down fall. In most parts of central Indiana just ask and I can tell you what bathrooms to use and which ones to stay away from.
  11. I did not know that you and Fouls knew each other.
  12. Have you ever been given advice a long time ago that you still remember well all these years later. Heres 1 to start us. Almost 30 years ago I walked into a bathroom at Ballantine Hall just as one of my professors did. He said let me give you some advice, " always use the end urinal 50% less chance of being pissed on." Every time I walk into a public restroom I hear those words.
  13. Thats logical thinking. https://www.yahoo.com/news/woman-wants-half-100k-donated-010348161.html This one cracks me up. Lady suing a starbucks barista that received over $100,000 from a go fund me account that someone set up after seeing this lady blast the starbucks worker on social media for not serving her wothout having a mask on. We wonder why this country and world is in the situation that it is. Everyone looking for a handout or entitlement and heaven forbid we mention GOD. Just can't imaging why we are where we are. 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall ahumble themselves, and bpray, and seek my cface, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
  14. I saw that Walmart has required shoppers to wear a mask to enter. I am shocked at the number of people making such a big deal about it.
  15. I wont use for copyright infringement this time. Agree all day with what you are saying. Smith will not be a pushover. Big someone beats him out for minutes they have earned. Kid is w true competitor
  16. I think if you can land both you do it. Walker wont be worried about it either I wouldn't think
  17. Thanks. The donut man in Winter Haven are the best ever
  18. We went to the surf hut. Al's burger place is very good in FT Walton beach. Best onion rings according to my wife. That area has replaced Clearwater as our new go to vacation spot
  19. Yes you can. We spent a week in Destin and had no contact with anyone until last night and ate outside.at beach front restaurant
  20. I am no talent scout but I can tell you we will not be disappointed if we land Smith. Do not let the rankings fool you. He has some things that many of the top PG prospects are lacking. I would like to see 2 PG taken in 22
  21. I just wish they would offer. Excited about this young man
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