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Everything posted by Billingsley99

  1. Still feel he is our first 22 committ . Can't imagine he would wait too long after getting the offer. Like a lot about this young man
  2. Then why are you bringing it up. It would have died but you commented on it . We can agree to disagree on it. I don't think anyone said"oppressed" no voice yes oppressed never
  3. Since this particular topic gets a lot of discussion and he has been talked about in this thread.I wanted to let everyone know that @hoosiertildeathposted earlier today on the main board. Glad to hear that he is doing well.
  4. My favorite beverage and as a former us history teacher my favorite project is the We Didn't Start the Fire
  5. I know the answer now I know the character name not the actor.
  6. while in Indy I loved PG. we have several jerseys in our house. Once he left I have no problem criticizing him. For years I defended the he is a Robin argument with so many people for, now that he is no longer a Pacer ( by his choice) I agree completely that he is a good #2 i live the Robin put down so much more though and needs a #1 to be successful. Not a knock just true. In crunch time PG is not leading you to a championship, he is good enough to get you close but not stick the dagger Some of my friends give me grief for supporting Manning but yet anti PG. that argument is so full if holes i don't even respond only that if you can't see the difference i can't help you.
  7. Had no choice with the uncertainty next year will be his last
  8. Thats why I have such a hard time with the overly PC society we live in. In the heat of the moment things get said but had Luka said a racist slur his head would be demanded on a silver platter. Most of us want equality and equal justice yet the double standard exist on who says what. In today's world a straight Christian white male has the weakest voice and the most to lose when the open their big mouth.
  9. Why when you put an Ohio license plate on a vehicle it can only be driven in the left lane regardless of how fast you drive it. Hmmmmm
  10. Bill Mazeroski walk off cant remember the year 62??? Maybe
  11. I like the make up of that team. Fun to watch.
  12. The Padres have had 4 straight games hitting a grand slam, does anyone know if that is a record?
  13. I know Julio Franco was the oldest player to do a ton of offensive things so I will guess Franco
  14. Only 1 year though and with the short off season I think it is probably the right move big pic.
  15. Kind of my thinking as well, be careful what we wish and ask for. If a guy is available there is a reason why
  16. Not making fun of spelling for sure. I have my more than fair share. I just love the auto correct of Reds to Refs. I agree I like Nate but just think he is good enough to get us beat in the frist rebound every year but with so much uncertainty its hard to make the change this year. I am typing on a chromebook which I do not like and have no idea how to spell fix spell check and too lazy to go back when I mess up. Thank God this is a message board an not an English class many of us would be in trouble. It deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe."
  17. stats show Maimi 40/7 rebounds and Pacers 39/4 I could live with that but can't give up 50% from 3
  18. Pacers outscored by 15 beyond the arc and 9 at the line. Not win many with those numbers. Miami 50% from 3, they are undefeated this season when they shoot 35% or higher from 3
  19. did not see just heard Tiger on radio other morning. Talking about what he would give to have that flexibility and rotation that Charlie has
  20. Some 11 year old kid named Charlie Woods with a caddie that goes by Tiger won a Jr PGA event by 5 strokes shooting 5 under
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