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Everything posted by Billingsley99

  1. Exactly Pacers had 0 interest in drafting KL they needed a point guard and have PG at the same position. The Spurs identified KL talent and what a steal that he would be
  2. Thank you and of course. We try not to live in fear but the past 24 hours a little crazy. He just never lets this stuff get to him which is a blessing but also sad because he has been through it all and this is just the norm for him. Thank you and hope you and your wife are staying safe.
  3. Praise GOD Aydens covid test came back negative. Still sick and it takes him so long to recover but we are very happy for sure.
  4. Dr does not think it is, but unfortunately during his life he has caught just about everything else. Thank you
  5. Aydens strep came back negative. Should have covid test back tomorrow
  6. I will. Just had test done . Hopefully get results tomorrow
  7. We are at urgent care this morning getting Ayden tested for Covid. Hopefully just a summer cold or strep. Keep him in prayer
  8. This is probably common to many and I might have missed it. Are you able to say who you worked for
  9. Now thats confrontational 😉Thanks Dad!
  10. No dog in this fight but I did not see anything confrontational in the least bit unless I missed something. 90% of the topics are derailed and we have 1 user that goes out of his way to argue just about everything which takes the whole thread to a different place and this 1 comment is the one that gets a reaction. Just a perspective from a nobody. Back to the NBA I for one do hope the playoffs continue I enjoy watching these gifted athletes excel when they are fresh with no travel and up to this point less than normal outside distractions. I don't think the defense is that bad just the skill on offense minus the Pacers has been that good.
  11. Just did that with my son Ayden. SE seems to work well and for an extra 10 per month cant beat it. I just wish the rest of the Verizon bill was not a fortune
  12. My son has that same set as well as Apple Airpods and he likes these just as well.
  13. I feel that the next head coach for the Pacers will be Kenny Atkinson
  14. Under normal circumstances then yes but its hard to view either side as a typical worker/boss when you have Multi millionaires fighting with multi billionaires. give me the people striking that might not make mortgage because of it or be able to food on the table their loss resonates more with the majority of America
  15. I am not here to debate that I ensure you of that. As a basketball fan I want games as a citizen of the greatest country in the world I want change. I am torn on if this work stoppage does help or not. I agree with your points and also if the players will go out in their communities and work with local agencies and the grassroots organizations I think they can be a huge voice that can start to make the changes that are necessary. If they only resort to social media and just not playing then I am not sure they will impact much.
  16. Food for thought. I turn on the NBA game I see BLM logos, special jerseys players taking a knee. I can't avoid nor miss the message being made. But boycotting I can watch Netflix not really miss the games because we learned how to survive without it, life better with but... stay away from the news and bury my head in the sand and act like everything is great because it does not affect me. IMO the games being played will have more impact than the boycott
  17. Great to hear. Been looking for your post
  18. Being totally serious how as a country do we initiate and enforce change? If boycotting sports gets it done i am all for it. It may have the desired impact but for the systematic changes needed I am not sure after 5 months of no sports that thE general person cares enough about the NBA to help make needed changes. Its a step though.
  19. Hearing some interesting info that Pacers had in mind that they wsnted and did not think he would be available. So the extension came and with the uncertainty of next year Nate was the option. Now I'm Hearing said coach is available. Who that is I don't know.
  20. Going 0-4 in the playoffs and only leading for 11 seconds total and getting completely out coached by other staff will lead to a firing of a coach
  21. Prayers you and your family as well as all in the path.
  22. PG showing what he is capable of. That is the PG us Pacer fan loved.. I can give the credit when due and the criticism when due also
  23. Surprised it has not happened yet. @RoadToZion would know more on this than i
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