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Everything posted by Billingsley99

  1. An NFL guy on the JMV show said Robinson from high school on has never had a good QB to fully showcase his ability
  2. I am with you. All of my items are off the menu. My wife wants Taco Bell for dinner tonight do I will bring it for her and Ayden and I will eat leftovers. That's sad
  3. The only other one I can think of is Soriano I know he had a big year in 2012 or 13 but not sure if he had the most
  4. Great question. I told this story and will tell again. 3 years ago we were in Chicago for a Cubs game and my wife had a shirt that she made that said if lost return to Kris Bryant. At a bar she told me that if she met Kris she was allowed to sleep with him and it was her free pass. She then said I could have free pass and wanted to know the name of my person. Without missing a beat I turned to the young very attractive very intoxicated lady next to us and asked her name and then told my wife that was the name of my free pass. She did not see the humor in it at all.
  5. Jr sr high school is doing virtual learning some sport's teams are practicing but playing. Elementary school is still on even though some of the kids tested positive have siblings at the elementary
  6. Just heard Bob Lovell say that 95% of IHSAA events went on last week as scheduled. Unfortunately South Decatur high school were not involved in any games. Ending our 1st week of a 2week shut down
  7. I would not have asked the question but I wanted to perform a Lazarus on this thread
  8. Since none of the usual players got it and its obscure no one should know know this. Its amazing that Tyrod Taylor in 2015. Brady has gone almost 80 starts between being an underdog. Don't like him or Pat's but that is impressive
  9. No. My clue is it was an AFC East opponent
  10. Very amazing obscure trivia that you only know if you were watching the same show I was, or you are a relative to this guy. Who was the starting QB the last time that Tom Brady was a regular season underdog?
  11. In the sign business getting polycarbonate to make faces for signs is nearly impossible. Going to hurt business sooner rather than later. All suppliers went to clear instead of white for all the clear sheilds needed for businesses. Smart business move for them not good for me.
  12. Ecxactly. Anything under 10 seconds switch all screens especially with a 2 point lead. Makes no sense to me
  13. Perfect analysis in my humble position. Never understood why a coach would do anything other than what you stated.
  14. So when my wife had me wearing the Brad Pitt mask she was just ahead of time. Just think I was taking it personal
  15. Connaughton can't remember 1st name was drafted by Orioles but don't think he rebound leader
  16. Yes it does he has 3 MJ AND AI 2 and Jamal Murray has 2 both in the plsyoffs
  17. At this point have you had several wives yet or still too low of a number for several??
  18. Who holds the record for most 50 point games in the NBA with no turnovers? This player has had 3.
  19. Thank you. Looking forward to the day you come our way
  20. My wife discovered a wine from Urban Vines its Peanut Butter and Jelly. Its pretty darn good. Taking her to Purple Toad Winery in Paducah KY sept 18-20. She is becoming quite the sweet wine connoisseur.
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