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Everything posted by Billingsley99

  1. Pic 1 My son Oakley with Cody and Luke Zeller Pic 2 Coach Crean autographing a baseball for Oakley Pic 3 My high school coach Jim Shannon with Me when I was coaching at Jennings County. Ayden was only 5 months old at the time. Coach Shannon's son Spencer was playing in that game and he was born when I was playing for Coach at South Dearborn
  2. Pics like that bring back some great memories of time at my grandparents. Thanks
  3. Active coaching streak with consecutive winning seasons. Doc Rivers 13 Billy Donovan 5 Brad Stevens 5
  4. In case no one knew it. That LeBron James guy is pretty good!!
  5. Go on the msin street in Seymour and the intersection before hospital if heading west turn right. Its on side of building that is a guitar shop. Sorry terrible directions. It is really cool
  6. I was waiting for something along those lines
  7. Family vacation on Destin Beach this June just before my son started his doctorate program.
  8. What happens if you tell a story of when a FOX knew if they CaNN or can't make it into the chicken coop. Would he be too sleepy and need a cup of Joe or call Agent Orange for help. Sounds like a good childrens book to me
  9. Did not think anyone would catch that. You causing all sorts of upheaval around this place
  10. Coaching staff cost the Colts the 1st game.
  11. Not buying the source. Might be true but until I hear it from Woj or someone reputable I will wait. Been discussing on DD And JMV today
  12. Of course. As if MJ didn't have his more than fair share of calls. Minus the whining not much to fault LBJ on the court
  13. Love him or hate him you can't deny LBJ still has the ability to take a game over at will. In the 4th quarter he showed that he is still the best in the game.
  14. I got into a rather long discussion with a friend about wearing masks. He is so offended by having to and plans to boycott everywhere etc... I told him once upon a time you could walk into a store with no shirt on and it was no big deal, told him once upon a time people could smoke just about anywhere, once upon a time I used to poop my diaper everyday but I got smart and realized just because you can does not mean its what you should do. I just don't get why people feel such infringed upon for having to wear a mask. I would love to walk into a restaurant with no shoes, no shirts and hey why not no pants but the sign that say NO SERVICE keeps me from doing it. Just put the mask on appease all of us crazies and lets get past this.
  15. Thank you and excellent advise and I will take all of it I can get.
  16. Just a gut feeling and I think some in that class are looking for some "bigger "programs to take notice before committing.
  17. He has not as far as I know and I am sure if he had I would know at this point
  18. Thanks. This is one that does not look overly difficult but I am afraid I don't have the right tools and it will not come out the way I have it intended. Also worried its above my skill level
  19. Still my pick to be the first 22 kid to say yes to IU
  20. Me too or something very similar. She doesn't buy it thought. Even though everyone seems to love the stuff we have done she she's the flaws and her OCD does not allow her to get past it. She was going to open up her own online craft business but wanted everything to be so perfect she was losing money
  21. Just passing on info. Chris Quinn from Miami is very well regarded by the Pacers staff. Would not be surprised that when the Heat are done Quinn will be the guy.
  22. that stresses me. My boss (wife) wants perfection and if I get a kit its easier for me to convince her its someone else's fault. Pressure gentleman. Might put this off until spring . Thank you for the recommendations
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