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Everything posted by Billingsley99

  1. 3, season of the witch is God awful
  2. I have watched 1 3 and 4 the last few days and all the insidious and sinister movies
  3. I have a client that owns a movie theater that's making a big investment in their signage because they feel that once it comes back they will be full sll the time. I was hoping to see the new Halloween movie but will have to wait to see Michael Meyers til next year. Hopefully
  4. Was this before he became famous in Port industry as Ron Jeremy's. A friend told me they look alike. Wink wink
  5. Stan Van Gundy hired as Pelicans coach. Seems like a terrible hire IMO
  6. I just listened to the Pacers new coach on Dakich and I really like what he had to say. I think the fans are going to like the product. At this point its all talk but I feel he will deliver.
  7. I can't help but have the mental image of this being Pacers coach on the sidelines
  8. Awesome. Blink an eye and they all grown up. This thread turning into my favorite. Love putting names and faces together. Great looking family
  9. Thank for sharing Great looking family congrats on the upcoming addition
  10. last night Mookie Betts became only the second player in World Series History to have a walk and multiple stolen bases in an inning. Who was 1st?
  11. I agree. Just not sure who they will or can get get. I see them over spending to get someone though.
  12. My preference for the Colts in order Rodgers Stafford Ryan Wentz Crap shoot after that
  13. Threw me off with the new avatar. They will have the assets to make a big move
  14. Me either but they have to do something. I don't like Jones. Maybe Rodgers will want a change of scenery
  15. the 1-5 Giants are only 1 game out of 1st place
  16. He still might have time but get him out before the Jets go 0-16. The seeing ghosts quote from his Monday night game last year puts some worry in me.
  17. My issue is Sam has never won and winning just like losing can be contagious i think he is worth the risk for a team like Pittsburgh but I hope the Colts can get someone with a winning paat
  18. yes I agree and I would take him. Better than the idea of Darnold IMO. I think the Jets have ruined that man
  19. Finally. This is needed around any and all drivers from Ohio. Anytime I come upon a vehicle in left lane with Ohio plates I just go ahead and pass on the right. I know that no matter what they are not getting out of the left lane
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