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Everything posted by Billingsley99

  1. I agree. Ayden loves old rock music we bought a 1954 stereo console and have started picking up some old vinyl. The stones are on his short list
  2. Maybe he was told no offer was coming. Why not go to the program that has owned IU past 4 years and give them a close up look of what they misses. He will be playing with a huge chip on his shoulder especially against IU I will compare it to a girl breaking your heart and then you hook up with her sister and also be sure that she hears you in the next room.
  3. They are far from perfect. So maybe people closer to the situation might just know enough to have an opinion that the kid is good enough. You cannot have 13 all Americans on a team. You can never have too many shooters. Maybe he doesn't pan out but there are no guarantees that the others we have offered will either just because they are 2 inches taller and perceived to be more athletic.
  4. Nothing to do with where they come from for me either but he fits a role that's needed and makes those around him better
  5. You are missing that he can shoot extremely well. He has the x factor that this team has missed for a long time. We are recruiting athletes and if those athletes can shoot then all will be well if not going to be the same old story. UK this year was loaded with fast guards, big guards, great 5 star NBA ready talent and none could shoot. That formula only works if you have some guys to spread the floor to allow that speed to be utilized.
  6. Nope big IU fan but sees the writing on the wall. Only PU player that I will openly root for. I hope we beat PU but hope BS just lights IU up.
  7. I really like him as well. I believe much to do about nothing but I don't think the Planned on extend him so.just maybe they make a move. Trade him to Atlanta and go get Pitts
  8. They got a very good one. This kid and Washington were the 2 I wanted most. I will gladly eat my crow if he doesn't become a very very good player and I will be shocked if he does not light the Hoosiers up. I trust our staff but this was a big miss
  9. Honest question, are the top 3 that great? Or is it the perception that to succeed you have to have a great QB makes them a higher priority? I really an not sure. I just know that stats say 3 of those top 5 will not work out. I am still going out on my limb all by myself and say that Mills from Stanford will be better than all but Lawrence, I think Fields is right there with those 2. Lance, Wilson and Jones will be the flops IMO
  10. I think you are getting it confused with Dag gummit what in tarnation, close but not the same. I can see how you could confuse the 2
  11. Thanks for sharing. Praying that your health is restored to its previous state and even better. I know 2 people from our church that are having some of the same issues and one gets sidelined for days at a time with severe vertigo. Thoughts and prayers on their way.
  12. I personally think he is better. I hope Lander proves me wrong but until he can hit a shot or even layups for that matte. He will not make any teams lose sleep on how to contain him
  13. Hoping by August 1st Ayden can get it
  14. Can't everyone over 16 get it now
  15. I believe the rankings just rank as potential and athleticism, not total basketball skill. I would take Smith over Hanner Perea everyday of the week. There was not 1 video showing him catch a ball or shoot. A 60 inch vertical would do you no good if you can't catch a ball. We as fans get caught up on it and I think coaches do to. It has to be a mix, you can't have 10 guys like Smith on your roster but I can tell you he would make Indiana better. He is not the 13th guy. I would take him over all guards on the roster except Johnson and Bates right now
  16. I hope there is a very special place in hell reserved for people like that. Like you said closure for those families would be great.
  17. I just dont know basketball I guess because all I see is a winner and kid that would be a great 4 year guy. He is going to make a lucky team very happy and be a pain in Hoosiers side
  18. All matches have been at Nirth Branch. He shot in otder 62, 59, 54, 51. Hopefully Friday he breaks into the 40's
  19. Ayden shot a personal best 51 last nights getting better every day
  20. No, it's Wyaloosing Creek, in Letts
  21. In Decatur county I bet 25 percent are still wearing masks. In Marion County it's probably above 80 percent
  22. I have not encountered too many that have not gotten the vaccination. To me it just does not make sense not too. I wasn't going to share but I will. On Saturday I was at the deli and a lady who previously cut me off in her Lexus SUV came up and knew a guy also in line and said thank God we don't have to wear the masks anymore. Its so stupid and just another way of the damn Democrats trying to control us. She was like once they said it was not mandatory never would I put in on again. I get my turkey and turn around and she sees I have my mask on and in a very condescending voice she says oh Im sorry did my comments offend you. Without thinking or stopping myself I replied, I was a teaching for 20 years I am more than used to hearing ignorant comments on a daily. I winked and walked off.
  23. I just saw on the news this morning that Indiana is 1/3 vaccinated.
  24. I agree with a lot of that for sure. You can look across America at the landscape of the game and find many great D1 players under 6'2" some can't shoot but are very explosive and can get to the rim and some are just all around great players. From what I hear and see those smaller guys that just happen to be white are viewed as not athletic enough to compete. So let them go to a mid major and if they prove themselves worthy then they can transfer. Its easier to take a flyer on a smaller kid that is viewed as a better athlete not necessarily a better basketball player. If IU misses out on Braden I would feel very confident in a wager that the player that they do take will not have had the impact that BS would have had. I know its subjective and role comes into play and everything but this kid is different. If we don't offer him and he goes somewhere else I will root for him like crazy and if he plays IU I hope we win but want Braden to light our ass up. IMO he will be a bigger miss than Kaufman
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